Healthy and engaged fatherhood = daughters growing in to self-respecting, happy and empowered young women.

The Expansion of Fatherhood
DadsRaisingDaughters.com has one primary mission: The expansion of fatherhood, with special emphasis on fathers of daughters.
"Mom" Skills
here are some things that moms do, and some things that dads do. It’s not a genetic thing, it is cultural. As our society pushes towards gender equality and with the divorce rate being so high, it is important for dads and moms to perform many of the same functions. Dads Raising Daughters wants to be the place where dads can learn those “mom” skills.
Fitting in a "Mom's" World
We want to help you feel comfortable in your role as an engaged father, and show you some techniques that will help gain the acceptance from others that are more traditional in how they think about the family structure. Translation: Trusting of “moms” and suspicious of “dads.”

Quality Time
The Pursuit of Happiness
Dads, you matter more to your daughter than you can really imagine. You have the opportunity to be the single most important male role model in your daughter’s life. What an incredible opportunity. Thank you for visiting.